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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Updated Design Ideas

After talking to Margie, I went back and tweaked my cover idea and title page design. Now I am very torn between what color to choose...... Here's what I have:

I tried a dark background first.....

Then pastels! I like this design and I like the blue a lot too

I like the green as well

I don't like the pink as much....

Maybe yellow....

I like the color bars, but I'm not sure about having everything centered.

I like this version better than having the title with the overlayed swatch pattern, black font is easier to read

I also like this one because it is a simple accent of color instead of taking over the page

1 comment:

  1. Cover: The title shows up best on the dark background. The word "swatches" needs to be inset more away from the spine.
    Title page: Only one stripe of swatches. If it is in the center below the title, it should be thinner.The other option is having the bar at the bottom. In both cases, I think the text box with title and sub-title could be slightly higher on the picture plane.
